Here are some curated templates created by our speakers at Block by Block! You can duplicate your favorites directly into your own workspace. To find more templates, take a look at our brand new Template Gallery.

Practices of Great Teams

Tommy Fink — Head of Growth, Loom

Notion Template Gallery - Loom's simple project plan

Fabi Prabhakar — Director of Engineering, Branch

Notion Template Gallery - Branch's engineering roadmap

Heidi Gibson — VP of Product, Typeform

Notion Template Gallery - Personal growth plan

Essential Productivity Setups

August Bradley

Notion Template Gallery | Action Zone Task/Project Manager

Notion Template Gallery - Goal-Project-Tasks Template

Frances Odera Matthews

Notion Template Gallery - The Happiness Bar Journal | 2022

Taking Notion to the max

Marie Poulin

Notion Template Gallery | Weekly agenda

Khe Hy

Notion Template Gallery | Your $10K task manager

Becoming a Creator with Notion